:brickwall: Ok the following is coming from me, Gullys wife and NOT Gully.
WA WA WA.why is it that everyone wines about the dentist. Granted, in the past, anaesthetic may not have worked very well, and IF it wasn't working the dentist didn't believe you. However that is the PAST!! Today, in our generation, if you experience a painful visit, to the dentist or to the hygienist, it is because you do not take care of your teeth and or gums!! Plane and simple. If they have to "scrape" below your gumline, its because all the food that you have been eating sat, jammed down in there until it got so hard that the only way to remove it was with a sharp, metal instrument!!! So please if you are not going to floss............don't expect a "pain free" visit. Put it this way, if you don't floss...ya your cleaning might be a bit painful, but the alternative is no teeth at all, because all the gunk got left in there and your bone, holding you teeth vanished and they all just eventually fell out. Now that is NOT very attractive!!!