It is not just because of the lack of NOs in the forces that this is happening. It is a HUGE liability thing aswell. Please see the below edited email from a snr member of RX 2000 to another of flag rank for clarification.
Good morning;
> 1. Can all plse provide an update as to how many of your currently
> serving Nurses (both those practising as well as those still under-going
> their nursing trg) who are enrolled as mbrs of the HS Res in occupations
> other than Nurse, are in the process of VOT/CFR etc to the Nurse
> occupation.
> 2. (Someone high in the medical reserve world), can you plse send to your Units and get the info back to
> me.
> 3. Plse find below e-mail traffic surrounding the liability issues of
> having civilian qualified nurses using that scope of practise while
> enrolled in the CF in an occupation other than Nurse:
> The scope of manoeuvre here is getting more narrow by the day. You might
> want to info the COs of the coming decision that will see them HAVE TO
> move their Nurses fm Med Tech. To wait is sheer folly. They can still be
> employed but under their own scope of practice. We may need to adjust some
> taskings to reflect the nature of Res HSS.
(Someone high in the PRL world)
> -----Original Message-----
> (From someone in Ottawa to someone else in Hull)
> I have some serious concerns from a Crown due diligence perspective, as
> well as from the Reserve Med Tech's personal liability perspective, with
> having a duly qualified and licensed civilian nurse engage in official
> procedures which exceed her Reserve Med Tech Scope of Practice.
> First, the Crown exercises due diligence when it confines its health care
> providers to their well-considered respective Scopes of Practice. Second,
> a Reserve Med Tech would not normally qualify for liability coverage for
> her negligent acts, errors and omissions, under the Treasury Board Policy
> on the Indemnification of and Legal Assistance for Crown Servants, were
> she to exceed her MOC/MOSID Scope of Practice, unless the course of duties
> and reasonable Departmental expectations applicable to a Med Tech with her
> civilian qualifications were officially extended or expanded by a CF H
> Svcs Gp-wide policy directive, not by a mere ad hoc, sui generis (i.e.,
> unique to her) decision in the field.
> I guess my bottom line is that I'd be very loath to support this type of
> ad hoc, sui generis manipulation or modification of the Reserve Med Tech
> Scope of Practice on the basis that a single individual is qualified to
> perform it.
> I hope this note is helpful. I am available to discuss this matter at
> your convenience(s). (2 on file)
(Someone big at RX 2000)
> *Protected: Solicitor-Client Privilege*
> 4. Info to me by 17 Mar would be greatly appreciated.
If any one wants clarification or rquires further explination please PM me