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Post-Tour Education Benefits


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After tour (Roto 11) last year we were briefed on the many education packages and benefits available to us as returning soldiers. However, as I understood it at the time, all of those education subsidies/bursaries/reinbursements were only for soldiers with a lot more Class C time/time in than I had (ie, years and years) and were mostly aimed at Reg F troops.
However, after being away for a year, I talked to another friend from my tour who claims to have gotten a fair amount of money for education under one of those programs. Now, I've been getting the PEP money, the tution reimbursment for serving reserve soldiers, for a couple years, but this program was specfically a benefit for soldiers coming off tour.

Anyone have any info or details (or can direct me to an appropriate non-DIN website) on education reimbursement programs, and know of any that apply to reservists coming off tour? I'm not sure anyone in my unit would know, or be able to help me in a timely manner - getting the PEP money was hell by itself.

I've heard a little about what you are speaking of. I'm currently on tour, returning to school once I get back, and heard something about getting a year's worth of school expenses paid after my tour from my unit's then-Chief clerk. She gave me the reference to the CFAOs but it's back home. I'll email her, but if by chance you get the answer first, I'd be interested to read up on it.

If you ask someone in your OR, they may have the answers. Better yet, do any of you clerks have any info on this?

<<edited for spelling>>
I just recently got the info on education benefits for reservists when coming off tour.

I was told by a clerk from my unit that CANFORGEN 135/04 ADMHRMIL 068 021526Z NOV 04 - EDUCATION REIMBURSEMENT- PRIMARY RESERVE (P RES) is the "be all of the program." No more PEP, and $2000 per year for your studies just like the rest of the student-soldiers.

Sorry for the bad news.
yes i just got my course on funding in my regiment on the 16 th of December

theres allot of new changes!!!!!!
and Now Finally its been approved by the government !!!

So it shouldn't changefor a while

i can answer many questions!!!! on the subject!! (its still fresh in my mind)

So what were you told?

And does it apply to both NCMs and Officers (Reserve)?
This was the email...


Actually the policy has changed.  There is a program only for reserves now effective 1 Nov 04.  Unfortunately it is not as great as the PEP program (the program you are referring to).  So the Canforgen I sent you is the be all of the program.

(from a clerk from my regt)

-----Original Message-----
Subject: RE: FW: education reimbursement

Hi Cpl so-and-so,

Thanks for your reply. Actually, what I am looking for is a reference (but preferrably the actual canforgen or whatever it is) regarding education benefits after having gone on tour. I heard about a CF program from Sgt Whats-her-name that pays for your schooling for a year after you come back from tour. I think that Sgt Bloggins is on it, but I am not sure. I have not been able to find references to this, but I think they are located in the CFAOs.

I'd really appreciate it if you could look into this for me.

Thank you.


>From: Cpl So-and-so
>To: CJ
>Subject: FW: education reimbursement
>Date: Fri, 5 Nov 2004 14:25:25 -0500
>Subject: FW: education reimbursement


Sgt ThisGuy asked me to contact you WRT education reimbursement.  There
is a new Canforgen WRT education re-imbursement.  I have attached it for
your perusal.  If your request has to do with prior to Aug 04 the you have
to look at the references mentioned.  If you need them just drop me a
line.  I will try to help you any way I can.

She sent me the CANFORGEN, which can be found in another thread started by Michael OLeary at

Names have been deleted since I don't know if the people referred to would appreciate their names coming up without first having been asked...

And yes, it does apply to both reserve NCMs and officers.

Hope this helps.
OK well think CJ has answered all your questions!

you can pm me for more info or pm CJ  I'm sure he wont mind helping you guys out!

Zirus Out!
Did any of you actually go to the CDA website (http://www.cda-acd.forces.gc.ca/INDEX/ENGRAPH/HOME_E.ASP)? It quite clearly spells out the requirements for Education Reimbursement for the reserves. Because it appears none of you have (including your clerks CJ).   It is the SAME program as before with two exceptions.   1. it is no longer a trial program. 2. You have to submit an ILP. You still can get the $2000.00 a year max (max $8000.00 over your career). It is for ALL RANKS and applies to both University and College students. You can pick any program so long as you can state in your ILP how your choosen program will benefit the CF and how it will lead you to your Second (civy) career goals.   Go to the website and read the info yourself rather than rely on second hand info.   And if your clerk doesn't know, make him go to the site.
Hatchet Man said:
Did any of you actually go to the CDA website (http://www.cda-acd.forces.gc.ca/INDEX/ENGRAPH/HOME_E.ASP)? It quite clearly spells out the requirements for Education Reimbursement for the reserves. Because it appears none of you have (including your clerks CJ).   It is the SAME program as before with two exceptions.   1. it is no longer a trial program. 2. You have to submit an ILP. You still can get the $2000.00 a year max (max $8000.00 over your career). It is for ALL RANKS and applies to both University and College students. You can pick any program so long as you can state in your ILP how your choosen program will benefit the CF and how it will lead you to your Second (civy) career goals.   Go to the website and read the info yourself rather than rely on second hand info.   And if your clerk doesn't know, make him go to the site.

Good link, Hatchet Man. I perused through the website. Anyway, what we were talking about was post-tour benefits, not reserve education benefits. The two used to be on a completely different plane.

And, Zirus, I'm a "she" not a "he"  ;D
I was the first guy in my unit to submit the ILP.  The clerks had no idea what I gave them or what I was asking for or where I got the paperwork from.  Just 2 weeks ago one of the clerks got in contact with me and told me that my ILP was good to go and was sent up.

I think the best way to apply for the ILP is to print all the paper work off the DND site.  Fill it out, submit it, and give your clerk the URL to where you found the paperwork and CANFORGEN for the ILP.