I'm interested in the general reception of the new Mack truck. Do the soldiers and maintainers like them? Are they as capable as advertised?
I am not a CAF member just a civilian who is very interested in seeing our soldiers, sailors, and airmen/women get the equipment that need and deserve. When this contract was awarded I was working for a Mack dealer as a mechanic and couldn't wait to see these vehicles working for the CAF. Despite first deliveries being 04/2018 I have only seen a couple pics on combat camera of one truck being delivered in Libya. I can't wait for in service pictures to surface especially of the Mack milcot's like the tri-drive Titan's. The last Titan's ever built and the only ones with a sleeper. The only pictures i have seen they were still in the factory and hadn't had the chrome pieces powder coated yet.
I truly hope these trucks serve the soldiers very well. as a Mack mechanic the majority of the repairs we did were related to the emission systems. How troublesome have the emission control systems been for the maintainers? I am assuming that these trucks will not derate performance due to emissions faults like their commercial counterparts however if left unchecked plugged or malfunctioning exhaust systems can eventually cause the engine to not be able to run.
I am not a CAF member just a civilian who is very interested in seeing our soldiers, sailors, and airmen/women get the equipment that need and deserve. When this contract was awarded I was working for a Mack dealer as a mechanic and couldn't wait to see these vehicles working for the CAF. Despite first deliveries being 04/2018 I have only seen a couple pics on combat camera of one truck being delivered in Libya. I can't wait for in service pictures to surface especially of the Mack milcot's like the tri-drive Titan's. The last Titan's ever built and the only ones with a sleeper. The only pictures i have seen they were still in the factory and hadn't had the chrome pieces powder coated yet.
I truly hope these trucks serve the soldiers very well. as a Mack mechanic the majority of the repairs we did were related to the emission systems. How troublesome have the emission control systems been for the maintainers? I am assuming that these trucks will not derate performance due to emissions faults like their commercial counterparts however if left unchecked plugged or malfunctioning exhaust systems can eventually cause the engine to not be able to run.