I have compartment syndrome. I just recently (last Oct) had it properly diagnosed with a compartment pressure test. How long have I had it, probably since I joined 5 years ago, I can remember clearly doing ruck marches and such and having excruciating pain in my calves. I just chalked it up to improper stretching and and not doing enough marches. What caused the condition in myself, I am unsure. From the literature I have read from the net and speaking with various doctors with sports medicine backgrounds, many things led me to develop compartment syndrome, not all of them army related. Some things that led me to develop it were ruckmarching (particularly with those crappy Mark 3's), heavy weight training.
There are actually two types of compartment syndrome, Acute and Chronic. Acute happens when you break a leg, or cause immiediate trauma to the compartment. Chronic, is caused by overuse, overtraining and improper training. Many people confuse chronic compartment syndrome with shin splints, pulled muscles, general "weakness". As such they go for a long time (like me) without getting a propper diagnosis. I didnt see my doctor about it until last Feb (04), and since then I have gone through all the treatment options (physio, electro-therapy, deep tissue massage, orthotics) none have worked. When I was on pre-training things got worse. My doctor assured me orthotics would help, they didn't in my case, so doing those BFT work ups really sucked. Added were the fact that my platoon WO and Pl Cmd didn't fully understand (or believe me) what was wrong they just pushed me harder. It wasn't till my Pl Cmd spoke with the Base MO (Meaford) and did some research on his own did he realize, just how screwed up my legs were, and how much pain I was in during those marches. My calves would swell to the point I would lose sensation in my feet, and I was close to tear on some of those marches.
The Base referred me to the Toronto Sport and Exercise Medicine Insitute, were they performed a test to measure the pressure within my leg (they had me walk on treadmill until I started feeling pain, then after 15 mins, they stuck a special needle into my leg to record the pressure inside the compartment) the doc said Normal presure after the 15min elapsed was supposed to be 10-15mmHg, my reading was 22mmHg which is very high. He attributed my condition to the footwear (he though I was joking when I showed him the Mark3 and told him thats what we wear), and my overtraining with weights (so partly my fault, partly army's). After talking to him and telling him all the other treatments have failed, I have been refered to a surgeon (through my civy doctor, I told the army to take a hike, there was no way I was going to let them touch me). I see the surgeon next week, and from there I don't know. All I know is for the time being, I can't do anything more than drive a truck (which isn't that bad cept my trade is infantry).
Here are some links with more info