I have applied for DEO entry as an artillery officer. Are there any junior officers out their who can describe the good and bad points of this career ?
kincanucks said:FYI
Training for REG F Artillery Officer:
IAP/BOTP - 15 weeks
CAP - 11 weeks
DP 1.1 - 11 weeks
DP 1.2 - 11 weeks
ezcompany said:Just wondering if someone could tell me the daily life of an artillery soldier in the Regular Force.
Canuck_55555 said:I just want to know if the Artillery officer (other than FOO) actually go with the guns, or if the just stay in an office directing fire.
Jayjaycf said:Wherever a battery goes there will be a GPO and a safety that will check all the data during a fire mission, The BK also spend time on the gunline not sure what is his job though as I was a gun bunny. Both the safety and GPO were lieutenant during our exercise so if you decide to go officer there is a good chance you will get to be with the guns.
27. Battery Captain (BK). The BK is the 2IC of the battery. His
duties include:
a. overall responsibility to the BC for the efficient
functioning of the gun area;
b. supervising the GPO;
c. commanding the gun area;
d. overall responsibility for the reconnaissance of the gun
e. implementing and coordinating the battery local defence
plan and commanding the local defence battle in the gun
f. directing battery administration and maintenance;
g. relieving or replacing the BC as the situation demands;
h. any other duties detailed by the BC.