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Army returns to dark blue or khaki berets for Foot Guards and technical corps

Rifleman62 said:
Richmond St, remember now. Thanks.

Don't remember seeing you Wolf.  ;D First time was when you where RSSO of 26 Fd Regt, RCA, then on several Black Bears. Remember you translating the German Bde Comd's (??) points on debrief. Then later as a Legal O.

I was in 130 Bty 7th Tor from summer of 1965 at Richmond until my transfer to Reg Force for CFOCS in Aug 1969 at Moss Park.

I was just a lowly Gunner and later slightly more elevated Bombardier until went Reg F so didn't stand out much in the crowd. I can't remember seeing much of the QOR at Richmond. The place was so small we had to parade on different days. At Moss Park in those days 130 Bty only paraded on Saturday mornings. Didn't see much of the QOR then either except for the skirmishers and pioneers who were doing their practices on Saturdays as well. Later on when I became the driver/Sig for the regiment's sole command post, I did spend entirely too much time during schooldays in the Moss Park basement garage doing maintenance on my old 3/4 ton CP. Judging by my high school records I was absent for 30 some odd days in the last term of my Grade 13 (which I think had to be a record for someone who still manged to graduate and earn a degree later ;D)

The RSSO tour was mid '76 to '78 following which I went back to G Bty 3 RCHA until I pulled the plug, went over to the Camerons in Winnipeg as a Company Comd while doing law school/articles for four years and then going JAG. Seems I could never keep a job.

mariomike said:
For anyone interested.

Fates of former armouries.

Speaking of former armouries, Toronto had units parading everywhere during the 50's. I've attached a pdf list of the locations of all the Militia units in Toronto which I took from the 1959 Army mailing list.

Notice that Falaise Armoury was originally next door to Fort York Armoury on Fleet Street before moving to  Queen's Quay.



Dan M said:
I've attached a pdf list of the locations of all the Militia units in Toronto which I took from the 1959 Army mailing list.

That was interesting. Thank-you!

Although before my time, I remember being told 136 Coy, No. 5 Column, RCASC was at the old University Ave. armoury downtown.

By the time I joined, University Ave. had been demolished, and No. 5 Column had been re-located from Moss Park to Dennison Armoury, in North York. It was still on Dufferin St. back then.

It was still 5 Column RCASC. But, 136 Coy had been re-numbered to 134 Company.

Looking down that long list, the only armouries I was familiar with were Fort York and Moss Park. Denison was not built until 1961, and demolished in 2003, and re-built not far away on Yukon Lane, North York.

Thanks again for posting that list.
mariomike said:
Although before my time, I remember being told 136 Coy, No. 5 Column, RCASC was at the old University Ave. armoury downtown.

By the time I joined, University Ave. had been demolished, and No. 5 Column had been re-located from Moss Park to Denison Armoury, in North York. It was still on Dufferin St. back then.

Denison was not built until 1961...

Denison Armoury is where I first learned to step off with my left foot with the GGHG cadets. (It was also where I learned to swear and drink coffee.) At the time it was also home to 1 Toronto Service Battalion. 2 Toronto Service Battalion was at Moss Park.

Does anyone know what happened to the Sherman Tank that was on a concrete pad out front of Denison?

Dan M said:
Does anyone know what happened to the Sherman Tank that was on a concrete pad out front of Denison?

Waiting for the next big snowfall when the mayor calls in the Army again? ( I kid, I kid! )

Did they not move it to the new Denison Armoury? I think there is ( was? ) a tank parked on the north side of Shepard Ave. W., just west of the Allen Expressway.

There is also a tank at York Cemetery at Beecroft and North York Blvd.

5 Column was being amalgamated at Denison when I joined.

( I can split these posts - starting at Reply #31 - from "Army returns to dark blue or khaki berets for Foot Guards and technical corps"  and merge with "Fates of former armouries", if requested. ) 

Dan M said:
Denison Armoury is where I first learned to step off with my left foot with the GGHG cadets. (It was also where I learned to swear and drink coffee.) At the time it was also home to 1 Toronto Service Battalion. 2 Toronto Service Battalion was at Moss Park.

Does anyone know what happened to the Sherman Tank that was on a concrete pad out front of Denison?


Just looked at Google maps and there are two Shermans parked in front of Denison at this time.

FJAG said:
Just looked at Google maps and there are two Shermans parked in front of Denison at this time.


For pics and stories of them,

Bruce Monkhouse said:
How about basic useful necessary stuff??,....seems to me that we should be working on that.  Obviously, any folks who worked on a project such as this, MUST be an overage and can be laid off.

To someone who thinks this whole new change in dress doesn't really take that much time, who do they think is actually running it down? There actually aren't that many people doing the staff work on clothe the soldier type projects. This latest happened because people made it a priority
As Bruce rightly points out, if there were staff that had time for this, it would've been better spent moving projects ahead that deal with the essentials. There are many personal kit items that need attention, but how about even something simple? Like hearing protection for example. Anyone see the type of hearing protection gunners wear operating the M777? Ever wonder why they're still using the same old plug types as opposed to say anything that allows them to hear fire orders, and attenuate over-pressure/excess noise of the newer and more powerful types of ammunition they're firing?

Just as Navy_Pete mentioned how they resented the RCN return to the Navy curl, because it's like a symbol of skewed priorities, I too resent this beret change for the very same reason. Not only is it an exercise in the appearance of doing something, instead of actually dealing with real problems, it took valuable people and time away from even looking after the small essential things that really matter
Petard said:

To someone who thinks this whole new change in dress doesn't really take that much time, who do they think is actually running it down? There actually aren't that many people doing the staff work on clothe the soldier type projects. This latest happened because people made it a priority
As Bruce rightly points out, if there were staff that had time for this, it would've been better spent moving projects ahead that deal with the essentials. There are many personal kit items that need attention, but how about even something simple? Like hearing protection for example. Anyone see the type of hearing protection gunners wear operating the M777? Ever wonder why they're still using the same old plug types as opposed to say anything that allows them to hear fire orders, and attenuate over-pressure/excess noise of the newer and more powerful types of ammunition they're firing?

Just as Navy_Pete mentioned how they resented the RCN return to the Navy curl, because it's like a symbol of skewed priorities, I too resent this beret change for the very same reason. Not only is it an exercise in the appearance of doing something, instead of actually dealing with real problems, it took valuable people and time away from even looking after the small essential things that really matter

But... but... at least it shows an equal emphasis on the Reg F and the Reserves in support of the 'Defense Team.' :)
Posting about old TO Armories......

Charles Mair is my Great Uncle who ran with the Dennison's who married his 2 nieces that were sisters. The third sister is my Great Grandmother. The Dennison's assisted my Grandfather, her son, through Upper Canada College.

Denison Armoury
Officers of the Governor-General's Body Guard 1885 Humboldt, Saskatchewan

“Officers of the Governor-General’s Body Guard. Humboldt, Saskatchewan.” [1885] Caption: “L. to r. standing – Maj. Dunn, Lt. Col. G.T. Denison, Capt. Denison, Lt. Merritt. – seated – Quartermaster Charles Mair, Lt. Fleming, Surgeon Baldwin.” Credit: 1972-270 / Library and Archives Canada


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Rifleman62 said:
Charles Mair is my Great Uncle who ran with the Dennison's who married his 2 nieces that were sisters. The third sister is my Great Grandmother. The Dennison's assisted my Grandfather, her son, through Upper Canada College.


With the greatest respect, but... Huh?


PS: Nice photo.
Back then, I was under the impression that the armoury was named after Mayor Dennison.

He said the hippies and US military draft dodgers flocking into the city at the time were "Toronto's only problem."  :)

Posting about old TO Armories......

Background to a tie in to my family that I didn't know about until my daughter found out about it. Also they almost purchased a home that the family owned in the mid 1800's when posted to Kingston. Mods can remove if they wish.

The military Denison family and the Armoury have one 'n' in their name.

I'm not sure what member of the five generations of the Denison family the armoury was named after, although there are many candidates. One, Septimus Julius Augustus Denison, commanded the RCR early in the 20th century and during the Great War commanded 2 Division, the command responsible for Toronto and the surrounding area. Another, George Taylor Denison (the third Denison with that name) was a Magistrate in Toronto from 1877 to 1921.

It was probably named after the family in toto.

Lieutenant-Colonel George Taylor Denison III Armoury



I hadn't seen the khaki berets before today, in the above picture.  I think they're sharp looking, now that I see them.

** head and eyes straight to the front, there, Sgt  ;D