Hey all, thanks for reading this post in advance.
I've been looking into the roles of ACISS and ATIST with the Army and Air Force, and can't quite decide which one I should prefer if I go meet with a recruiter. This is all still a big question mark to me, so I've been reading as many posts as I can find on here, but can't quite find the level of information that I'm looking for. Ideally I want to be as informed as possible when meeting with a recruiter, to make the best use of that time.
I'm curious about the life of an ACISS in the Army. What sort of locations would you likely to be sent to, other than your primary base? What is the day to day life like? Or does it vary too much, based on the person?
I pretty much just want to know the answer to those questions for ATIST as well.
I haven't ruled out the military as a life-long career, but if I find that it isn't for me, which of these two roles transfers into the civilian job market more fluidly? Which would have higher salary potential?
Also, would I be correct in assuming that the training for ATIST is far more intensive? Would my University degree in Political Science have any relevance to any of this? (My guess is nope! Haha)
On top of these, does anyone have anything to say regarding Army vs Air Force? My brother was in the Army and he said that members of the Air Force get sent to more desirable locations, though he did enjoy his time in the Army.
Thanks again for any input, I know it's a lot of questions.